Looking to improve your housing outcomes?
Understanding how diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) concepts impact housing outcomes is critical in our mission to end homelessness and advocate for safe, affordable homes for all Arizonans. The following links provide guidance on housing equity.
Defining Equity
Equity vs. Equality and Other Racial Justice Definitions - Definitions of core concepts that can help groups develop a shared language for racial equity and inclusion, from the Annie E. Casey Foundation. What is Racial Equity? - Key concepts related to race, from Race Forward |
Arizona Reports
Race and Homelessness in Maricopa County, Arizona - an examination of racial disparities in homelessness in Maricopa County Here We Stand: Chicanos Por La Causa and Arizona's Chicano/a Resurgence - book on the little-known story of Arizona's vibrant Mexican-American population, which played an integral role in the founding and development of Phoenix and Arizona |
The State of Indian Country Arizona - report that sheds light on the 22 federally recognized tribes in Arizona
Creating Vibrant Communities - Arizona Town Hall Report that includes sections on Equity, Tribal Relations, and Rural Arizona
Health & Housing Security - current and completed research from the Southwest Institute for Research on Women (SIROW)
Creating Vibrant Communities - Arizona Town Hall Report that includes sections on Equity, Tribal Relations, and Rural Arizona
Health & Housing Security - current and completed research from the Southwest Institute for Research on Women (SIROW)
Data and Tools
Racial Disparities in Homelessness Dashboard - Arizona Balance of State - racial disparities in poverty and homelessness, displayed by counties in the Arizona Balance of State Continuum of Care. Use with directions in the Race Equity Provider Toolkit.
Racial Disparities in Homelessness Dashboard - Maricopa County - racial disparities in poverty and homelessness in Maricopa County. Use with directions in the Race Equity Provider Toolkit. Veteran Race Equity Data Toolkit - guidance for Veteran Serving Organizations on available tools and methods for analyzing veteran equity data |
CoC Analysis Tool: Race and Ethnicity - draws on Point in Time and American Community Survey data to analyze racial disparities among people experiencing homelessness
National Alliance to End Homelessness Racial Equity Network Toolkit - collection of tools to analyze and address racial disparities in the homeless system
US Census QuickFacts - Census data, helpful as comparison with Point in Time or Homelessness Management Information System data to identify disparities in the homelessness response system
Home Accessibility Infographic - home accessibility data from the US Census
HUD Rental Assistance: Serving Households with Disabilities - a report on how HUD serves low income families with disabilities through its rental assistance program.
National Alliance to End Homelessness Racial Equity Network Toolkit - collection of tools to analyze and address racial disparities in the homeless system
US Census QuickFacts - Census data, helpful as comparison with Point in Time or Homelessness Management Information System data to identify disparities in the homelessness response system
Home Accessibility Infographic - home accessibility data from the US Census
HUD Rental Assistance: Serving Households with Disabilities - a report on how HUD serves low income families with disabilities through its rental assistance program.
Systemic Barriers to Homeownership Among Black, Indigenous & People of Color Communities & Policy Solutions - report from the Arizona Housing Coalition
Report and Recommendations of the Ad Hoc Committee on Black People Experiencing Homelessness - report from Los Angeles Homeless Services Authority that includes recommendations to advance equity and eliminate racial disparities |
Coordinated Entry Systems Racial Equity Analysis of Assessment Data - research from C4 Innovations on inequity in the VI-SPDAT
State Index on Youth Homelessness - legal, systemic and environmental barriers faced by youth experiencing homelessness
Homeless in Their Homeland, a Modern Native American Struggle - article on Native American homelessness, from Invisible People
Tribal Nations & the United States: An Introduction - overview of tribal governance in the US, from National Congress of American Indians
How Well Does the Housing Stock Meet Accessibility Needs? - analysis of the 2019 American Housing Survey, from JCHS at Harvard
People with Disabilities Living in the US Face Urgent Barriers to Housing - analysis from the Urban Institute
State Index on Youth Homelessness - legal, systemic and environmental barriers faced by youth experiencing homelessness
Homeless in Their Homeland, a Modern Native American Struggle - article on Native American homelessness, from Invisible People
Tribal Nations & the United States: An Introduction - overview of tribal governance in the US, from National Congress of American Indians
How Well Does the Housing Stock Meet Accessibility Needs? - analysis of the 2019 American Housing Survey, from JCHS at Harvard
People with Disabilities Living in the US Face Urgent Barriers to Housing - analysis from the Urban Institute
Guidance and Recommendations
Beyond the Numbers - information, resources, calls to action and worksheets for specific Black, Indigenous and people of color (BIPOC) communities, from Mental Health America
Native Data Sovereignty Can Address Data Gaps and Improve Equity - insight into how traditional research methods can harm and hinder progress in Native American communities, from Urban Institute |
Conducting Homeless Counts on Native Lands: A Toolkit - guide for tribal entities to conduct homelessness counts, from CSH
National LGBTQ+ Youth Homelessness Research Agenda - guide for researchers investigating solutions to address disparities faced by LGBTQ+ youth, particularly youth of color, from True Colors United
Cracking the Zoning Code - guidance from Urban Institute on using zoning reform to improve equity
Housing for Indigenous Peoples and Tribal Nations - guidance from the National League of Cities on issues related to housing for indigenous peoples and tribal residents
National LGBTQ+ Youth Homelessness Research Agenda - guide for researchers investigating solutions to address disparities faced by LGBTQ+ youth, particularly youth of color, from True Colors United
Cracking the Zoning Code - guidance from Urban Institute on using zoning reform to improve equity
Housing for Indigenous Peoples and Tribal Nations - guidance from the National League of Cities on issues related to housing for indigenous peoples and tribal residents
2019. Arizona Housing Coalition is a 501(c)(3) non-profit Federal Tax ID#: 86-0909029