We are convening and connecting with our partners across the state to advocate for immediate relief for those experiencing homelessness and those on the brink of losing their homes, as well as putting forward recommendations for system changes and structural reforms to create a better housing market for all. The policy choices we make now to weather this virus can also lead us to a better path for the future that helps all Arizonans in their pursuit of a safe, affordable place to call home.
Coalition Policy Priority Wins!
Since 2020, the Arizona Housing Coalition has been calling for the reconvening of the Interagency Council on Housing and Homelessness to provide a multi-agency, cross-sector response to our statewide housing crisis. In January 2023, Governor Hobbs reestablished the Council, naming it the Governor's Interagency and Community Council on Homelessness and Housing. The Council will plan and develop policies aimed at addressing homelessness in the state.
In May of 2023, the Arizona State Legislature and Governor Hobbs negotiated and approved historic investments to address housing and homelessness. $150 million in one-time spending was allocated to the Housing Trust Fund, the largest investment in state history, and $60 million was allocated to a new fund dedicated to emergency shelter and supportive services. There were additional allocations to address human and social services included in the state budget, bringing total investments to more than $230 million for FY24. This is a huge victory for the Coalition's membership and our statewide community.
In May of 2023, the Arizona State Legislature and Governor Hobbs negotiated and approved historic investments to address housing and homelessness. $150 million in one-time spending was allocated to the Housing Trust Fund, the largest investment in state history, and $60 million was allocated to a new fund dedicated to emergency shelter and supportive services. There were additional allocations to address human and social services included in the state budget, bringing total investments to more than $230 million for FY24. This is a huge victory for the Coalition's membership and our statewide community.
Policy Statement on Zoning
The Arizona Housing Coalition has identified zoning as both a primary cause of and potential solution to some of the housing challenges we are facing across the state. Changes to zoning laws could result in more housing in urban, suburban, and rural areas that can meet our state’s growing population and the accompanying need for additional affordable housing units.
It is our position that cities and towns should implement locally tailored changes to zoning laws that result in quicker and more efficient construction of affordable housing. These reforms may include:
It is our position that cities and towns should implement locally tailored changes to zoning laws that result in quicker and more efficient construction of affordable housing. These reforms may include:
- Allowing accessory dwelling units (ADUs) or single-room occupancy units on a residential lot;
- Allowing higher density zoning that can lead to more development of low and moderate-income housing;
- Permitting higher density residential projects in or near commercial and mixed-use zones, major transit investment corridors, or employment centers;
- Reducing restrictive requirements for affordable housing projects, such as minimum parking spaces, minimum unit sizes, or common area requirements;
- Providing zoning and financial incentives to developers who dedicate a certain percentage of units to market or below market rate housing; and
- Allowing local governments to dedicate a percentage of existing revenues from a specific district to be used for affordable housing development, such as tax increment financing or Opportunity Zones.
2019. Arizona Housing Coalition is a 501(c)(3) non-profit Federal Tax ID#: 86-0909029